Buffalo contributes largest to the milk pool with about 46.5 million tonnes (55 percent) followed by indigenous cows with 18.3 million tonnes (24 percent) and crossbred cows, with 13.5 million tonnes (16 percent) Goat contributes 4.2 million tonnes ( 5 percent ). In the year 2003 - 04, the production of milk in the country was 88.1 million tonnes of eggs 34 billion nos., of wool 53 million Kqs.
In fact, 2000 milk shed blocks out of a total of 5488 blocks in the country must be identified and the required number of breeding bulls must be stationed in the veterinary hospitals, dispensaries and artificial insemination centers located in these blocks. Only 12 percent of total milk produced in toil country is processed in 567 dairy factories for conversion into milk and milk products valued at Rs. 6934 crore annually. The contribution in value addition from the manufacutre of dairy products is only 5.4 percent of gross output against 12.1 percent achieved in the food-processing sector. It must be recognized that; 65 percent of the livestock products is derived from the dairy sector in value terms and most of these products are made available to Indian consumers.
thank you for the visit to my blogsite. I appreciate it.
nice photo of cows, I have never been to a real farm although I have seen lots of animals way back in the Philippines..
Have a great day and hope to see you again.
Hello! my visiting daily again :) have a nice day my friend :)