Women play an important role in dairy farming

Women involvement in dairy farm
Women play an important role in dairy farming sector. They gave fodder to livestock, milking the animal, take off different dairy products from milk, take care of livestock at home, do weaving, cleaning shelter, converting in livestock management and related deceases. So women must be paid their share in livestock income. Hence there is an urgent need to commercialize their activity and give training to the women for rearing of livestock women in rural livestock can never be ignored. More than 8 working hours in the day are spent by women covering all the dairy farming practices. Dairy farming as an entrepreneurial venture owing to its high adaptability in wide range of agro-climate condition, thriving better on coarse fodder than cattle, producing higher fat SNF-milk, leaner and lower cholesterol and carrying high resistance against decease has big achievement. Cattle rearing cover more than 50% of the working hour of women in comparison to 10% of the working time of their counterpart the man.


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  4. women is beutiful human, and spirit me.
    nice posting

  5. yeap indeed women plays an important role... :)

  6. Thanks for sharing knowlegde...

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